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Wisdom Waves

punch line

The assertive are destined to suffer. If you study humbly and correctly, you can avoid bad fates. If you are stubborn and greedy, you won't get what you want. and then complain. Stubbornness blocks the blood and makes you sick. The old man is the one who has nothing to do. They say things that young people don't understand. and interfere with young people. A person who engages..
The assertive are destined to suffer.

If you study humbly and correctly, you can avoid bad fates.

If you are stubborn and greedy, you won't get what you want.
and then complain.

Stubbornness blocks the blood and makes you sick.

The old man is the one who has nothing to do.

They say things that young people don't understand.
and interfere with young people.

A person who engages in social activities
and socialize according to their age.

We are judged by what we can do
what we can do well for this society
we can live well.
The author, Yeon-Woo Shin, is a graduate of the Department of Business Administration and Consulting Psychology and has
He has 30 years of experience in the content business
He has participated in Hayao Miyazaki's Ghibli productions and has
He has also spent 5 years in Japan.
-Care of the Mind
-Secrets of Philosophy Video Content Production
-He is the author of "The Color of the Soul" and other books.

㈜유페이퍼 대표 이병훈 | 316-86-00520 | 통신판매 2017-서울강남-00994 서울 강남구 학동로2길19, 2층 (논현동,세일빌딩) 02-577-6002 help@upaper.net 개인정보책임 : 이선희